Are You Ready for $18,6 Billion Investment Potential?

Turkey is taking important steps to improve the investment climate and attract international investors. In this context, the Investment Advisory Council, which will convene for the first time since 2016 with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, will play a critical role in increasing the investment attractiveness of Turkey. This meeting, which will be held in September 2024, will provide a high-level platform for investors to express their views and suggestions, and will make significant contributions to improving the business environment. It is expected that the 18,6 billion USD of investment that may come to Turkey in the coming period will be accelerated with the improvements to be made.

In this context, the government's recent legal arrangements aim to create a more secure and transparent business environment for investors. Some of these regulations are as follows:

  • In the area of digital transformation, Turkey is focusing on important projects such as 5G technology and the expansion of fibreoptic internet infrastructure. These steps increase the level of digitalisation and create a more efficient and modern business environment for investors. Increasing digital infrastructure investments accelerate business processes and increase efficiency.
  • Environmental sustainability is also an important issue for investors, and Turkey is making legal arrangements that encourage green transformation in this area. Regulations such as the Climate Law and Emission Trading System pave the way for sustainable investments by offering incentives for environmentally friendly projects. Thus, environmentally friendly projects of investors are supported, and it is easier for them to adapt to green economy policies.
  • The investment incentive system has been restructured to facilitate the green transformation of existing industry and to attract environmentally sensitive international investments. These incentives include various advantages such as tax reductions, customs exemptions and financing supports.

As a result, the legal arrangements made and to be made in Turkey create a more secure, transparent and attractive business environment for investors. The 2024 September Investment Advisory Council meeting will be one of the most concrete indicators of these efforts.

Autor: Müge Şengönül