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Main areas

Antitrust / State Aid

Press Coverage - SAXINGER and Oberhammer are advising Rosenbauer investors
JUVE Magazin - JUVE Ranking Competition
Kleine Zeitung - Leniency Notice
CEE Legal Matters - Binder Groesswang and SAXINGER Advise on Hexagon's Entry in Cryoshelter - Hexagon to acquire stake in Cryoshelter GmbH


Kartellrechtliche Audits
Haftungsrisiko (europäisches) Wettbewerbsrecht
Was der EuGH in der Rs Donau Chemie verabsäumt hat...
The 2012 Amendments to Austrian Competition Law
Über kartellrechtliche Audits bei Due Diligence-Prüfungen im Rahmen von M&As
All publications >


The new Austrian Investment Control Act
Europe fit for the Digital Age: Commission proposes new rules for digital platforms
Risk of Antitrust Liability for Private Equity Companies
Revival of the European Commission's previously dormant superpower in Merger Control
New reform of the criminal leniency programme in Austria


Schindhelm 365 – The new Investment Control Act (26.06.2020)


French, German, English

Christina Hummer

Dr.iur., LL.M.
Attorney at Law
Avocate (Belgium)
Attorney-at-Law (New York)
Solicitor (England & Wales)
Registered European lawyer (Brussels and Vienna)


Christina Hummer has worked as a partner at SAXINGER in Brussels and Vienna since 2010. Since 2002, she has worked for international law firms in both Washington, DC, and Brussels on competition law matters.

After completing her degree in law (Mag.iur.) in 1999 and her doctorate (Dr. iur.) in 2001, she completed a Master of Laws (LL.M.) at New York University in 2002. She also completed a diploma in economics in competition law at King’s College in London, UK, in 2007.

Christina Hummer has been an attorney at law in New York since 2003, a solicitor in England & Wales since 2004 and a European lawyer in private practice in Brussels since 2005 and in Vienna since 2009.