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Main areas

Mergers & Acquisitions
Corporate Succession
Insolvency and Restructuring
Banking and Finance

Press Coverage

Anwalt Aktuell - SAXINGER advises KEBA Group on the acquisition of EnerCharge GmbH.
JUVE Handbuch - JUVE-Ranking Corporate and M&A - SAXINGER doubles the number of equity partners
Die Presse - The risk of liability when profits are distributed
Börsianer Magazin - Dr. Gerald Schmidsberger ist neuer Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender der Athos Immobilien AG (about a SAXINGER lawyer as Chairman of the Supervisory Board)


Gesellschafterliche Informationsrechte vs nicht öffentlicher Charakter des WiEReG
GmbH: Beschlussanfechtung – keine Nebenintervention im Provisorialverfahren?
§§ 1-4 GmbHG
Finanzierung im Konzern: Zur Gestaltung von Cash-Pooling-Verträgen
Änderung der Stiftungserklärung durch den Stiftungsvorstand gemäß § 33 Abs 2 PSG
All publications >


German, English

Gerald Schmidsberger

Dr.iur., M.B.L.-HSG, University Lecturer


Gerald Schmidsberger has worked as a lawyer and partner since 1998. Before gaining his licence to work as a lawyer, he also worked for KPMG.

After studying for his degree in law at Johannes Kepler University (1989-1992) and his doctorate in 1995, he completed a postgraduate degree (European and international commercial law) at the University of St. Gallen (2000-2001).

Gerald Schmidsberger was awarded the Advancement Award of the Walter Haslinger Private Foundation and the Richard Büche Prize of Allgemeine Sparkasse Oberösterreich.